Farcry 2 - Patch 1.01


TS Admin
10. Februar 2008
Der Spielepublisher Ubisoft veröffentlichte für die PC-Version den ersten Patch der diverse kleinere Fehler behebt, vorallem im Mehrspieler Modus.

Download @ Gamershell (42.3MB)


- Server's IP address now displays in lobby, beside the match’s name (for direct IP join to work)
- Dedicated Server can now be launched in command line.
- Improved match start conditions. Ranked games can now also start if the player max is attained and everybody but the host is ready.
- Fixed a bug causing random crashes when joining a game.
- Ranked matches in progress will no longer display in the match list.
- Fixed players with same name by using identifiers instead of names.
- Fixed crash when creating a LAN game without a network cable.
- The diamond pool is now always validated after class upgrades, reset or rank up to avoid getting more diamonds than you are supposed to for your rank.
- When creating a dedicated server with PunkBuster enabled, then close it to create another but this time with PunkBuster disabled, PunkBuster will still be considered ON, on this new server.
- Fixed a problem where a player could get stuck (and couldn’t get killed) after pressing the interaction key while wounded and getting rescued by a teammate at the same time.
- Fixed players getting disconnected if they have too many user maps and try to enter the map rotation menu in a Player or Ranked match.
- Vehicles will now always respawn even if they are never used.
- Fixed users not being able to see a match if the host switched match mode after a rank.
- Fixed a glitch that could make a player invisible to another.
- Fixed incorrect check for negative values when adjusting diamond count.
- Fixed a problem where a player would render through objects if healing a wounded playing while being wounded at the same time.
- Fixed reload not being interrupted on the host when a client picks a weapon while reloading.
- Fixed Field Manuals not unlocking after game mode change.

- Fixed health not changing with the difficulty level.
- Keyboard controls remapping in single mode now carry into multiplayer mode.
-A buddy will no longer get stuck when healing him while player is receiving damage.
- Stats of favourite weapon are now properly reset between loaded save games.
- The mortar will no longer move the player through wall.
- Mission objectives markers are now show properly after loading a save game.

- Fixed glider key remapping.
- Game will now minimize in order to show the website when clicking on ubi.com.
- Dolby 5.1 is now supported for most sound cards.
- Fixed a random crash that could happen when pressing ESC to cancel a Benchmark run.
- Added CPU Intensive benchmark test run.
- Fixed Jackal Tapes and Partner Tapes pages.

Map editor
- Fixed crash in editor when deleting many objects in very rapid succession.
- Fixed crash in editor during parsing of the map headers.

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  1. Yodenko Yodenko:
    Egal wie dicht du bist, Göthe war Dichter!
  2. Yodenko Yodenko:
    besser und selber?
  3. oNdsen oNdsen:
    guet und dir?
  4. benserker benserker:
  5. oNdsen oNdsen:
  6. AemJaY AemJaY:
  7. Yodenko Yodenko:
  8. corerulez corerulez:
    i mean Diablo 4 natürlich, Danke.
  9. corerulez corerulez:
    Grüezi mit de Hand, Kann öpper wo daminrecht het im TS en Diablo3 Channel mit 2-3 Teams erstelle? Wär mega nett, danke!
