[ET] A better Jumper than me...!


Intelligenter Dummkopf
TS Admin
8. August 2006

I try to write in Youtube "Trickjump". So I found a lot of ET Movies! Under much other Movies, in this one u can see a very nice guy jumping the nejijump 5 map at the axis side. And i think u know that this is very difficult! The distances are so far and unbelivable. I think u should have a look on this pr0 Jumper!

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Re: Einer der besser jumpt als Ich!

Sad, but true,...this is the IFF ;) (hihi,.....International Friends Forum;)).......and "some1" jumps better then u,....uiuiui,..spam?,..hihi,...wayne,.....jumping in ET is a special thing,..i think,......not all movies r made with de default setting,.....so.....they r impressive,...but ..... hihi
Re: Einer der besser jumpt als Ich!

I think this movie is made with totally normal serversettings. It's really possible to do all these jumps without any Kind of cheats. But dunno write about some movies that used cg_thirdpersonangle 180°. Just say your comment to my postet movie.
Re: Einer der besser jumpt als Ich!

my Post is English, coz here is English?,..hihi.....
@Movie,...impressive, but nothing special,...i can't it, but it's also nothing that special,....333
Re: A better Jumper than me...!

its pretty useless(like everything in et, cozt u cant reach something really worthy) but very impressiv that its possible to do that....i stuck already at VERY easy tj's
Re: A better Jumper than me...!

to me this IS amazing! and its not only forthless its good for your movement in game...

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  1. Yodenko Yodenko:
    Egal wie dicht du bist, Göthe war Dichter!
  2. Yodenko Yodenko:
    besser und selber?
  3. oNdsen oNdsen:
    guet und dir?
  4. benserker benserker:
  5. oNdsen oNdsen:
  6. AemJaY AemJaY:
  7. Yodenko Yodenko:
  8. corerulez corerulez:
    i mean Diablo 4 natürlich, Danke.
  9. corerulez corerulez:
    Grüezi mit de Hand, Kann öpper wo daminrecht het im TS en Diablo3 Channel mit 2-3 Teams erstelle? Wär mega nett, danke!
