[DF] DF 2.0 News

Danke Korea für de Link es isch ja scho peinlich vo AV das mer für 69 MB fascht 5 h brucht de patcher ladt wenigstens mit 200 KB/s abe aber isch ja ua nid grad de renner
Soo, bald ist es soweit :)

Was denkt Ihr, sollen wir FGN schon in der Beta erstellen? Hab gerade Privat Forum Access bei TFK bekommen und die wollen möglichst schnell eine City und so haben, damit sie alles erkunden können. Ich würde Ihnen dabei sehr gerne helfen. Da die meisten von uns sowiso nicht allzuviel spielen werden in der Beta dachte ich ich würde mich TFK anschliessen für die Beta Phase und wenn vieleicht mit Silva aushandeln das jeder von FGN auch joinen kann oder wir eine Allianz gründen.

Ich denke einfach dies würde uns die Möglichkeit geben möglichst viel über das Spiel herauszufinden und haben doch einen recht grossen Clan als Freund.
Also herunterladen per Aventurine's Patcher/Launcher ist schon mal gefixt. Hatte das Teil in ca. 30min unten. Mein Bug soweit: Kann mich net einloggen, da ich ständig in der Queue hängen bleibe!
benserker;35254 said:
Also herunterladen per Aventurine's Patcher/Launcher ist schon mal gefixt. Hatte das Teil in ca. 30min unten. Mein Bug soweit: Kann mich net einloggen, da ich ständig in der Queue hängen bleibe!

Sie sind dabei dies und weitere wichtige Bugs zu fixen. Server sind zur Zeit leider down, konnte also noch nicht sehen ob sie wirklich gefixt sind. Jedenfalls wurde auch ein kompletter Serverwipe gemacht. Hoffenltich ist es einer der letzten.

Ansonsten hatte ich auch noch nicht so viel Spielzeit wegen der queue, aber das Spiel sieht schon mal nicht schlecht aus, ist aber sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig, wenn man DF1 gespielt hat.
Koreander;35271 said:
Jedenfalls wurde auch ein kompletter Serverwipe gemacht. Hoffenltich ist es einer der letzten.

Ist mir doch wurscht, ist ja Beta. Wird eh irgendwann komplett alles gewiped!
Momentan ist Darkfall fast unspielbar ausser man nimmt die ewiegen wippes in kauf. Nicht mal die lösung das es in der Clanbank save ist bringt was denn AV fängt ann die Charaktere zu löschen und man fängt immer wieder von forne an. Hoffe doch sie fixen diese erheblichen problemen bald und geben mal ein wenig gas damit es auch noch i januar releasd wird aber für den januar releas sehe ich persönlich schwarz denke es wird Februar wenn nicht März.Ps: AV fangt es glaube ich schon wieder an alles zu verkacken bis jetzt keine newes und wenn es so weiter geht werden sie das game wohmöglich verschieben und nochmals verschieben und mit den infos recht spärlich sein. na ja wie gesagt wohmöglich verkacken sie es.
Irgendwie vergleichbar mit Romeo und Julia: Es wäre so traumhaft schön, aber aus irgendeinem Grund darf es einfach nicht klappen. Das ist Drama! So nah dran und trotzdem darf es nicht gelingen. Pure Dramaturgie! Dreht ein Film über eure Firma AV! Die Leute würden reihenweise heulen im Kino!
benserker;35448 said:
Irgendwie vergleichbar mit Romeo und Julia: Es wäre so traumhaft schön, aber aus irgendeinem Grund darf es einfach nicht klappen. Das ist Drama! So nah dran und trotzdem darf es nicht gelingen. Pure Dramaturgie! Dreht ein Film über eure Firma AV! Die Leute würden reihenweise heulen im Kino!

Dramaturgie? Kannst du haben ->

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Endlich wieder News zu Darkfall:

In today's developer diary presented by our World Lead, Nikos Kasolos, we're happy to present to you the new world of Agon. Nikos guides us through Agon's transformation into a more atmospheric and beautiful world after all the major updates it has gone through. With all new graphics, content and the new environmental audio, it's a new, fresh world and we really hope that you'll find it as intriguing to live in, as it is interesting to explore. [Quelle: darkfallonline.com]

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sieht schon schön aus. ruckelt wenn sich die kamera bewegt. aber eben: AV. die wollten das spiel schon vor monaten ohne beta rausbringen, ^^.

hab's schon halb bereut, dass ich das spiel schon "gekauft" hab ...wir werden sehn.
Sööö, lange nichts mehr hier gepostet. Ok, lange nicht mehr für Darkfall interessiert und irgendwie immer noch nicht so, aber habe bei den Fremenknights gesehen das es Content patch giebt. Sieht nicht mal so schlecht aus, aber ich will dennoch mein DF1 zurück mit Fixes und Content. Mehr zerstören hätten sie das PVP nicht können... :/


Es wird ein Salvaging System eingeführt mit welchem jedes Craftbare und einige Lootbare Items in seine Einzelteile zerlegen kann.

Prowess System. Man kann nun seine Prowess Points verteilen auf Attribute wie Strengh, Vit usw. Ebenfalls Skills und einfach alles, ausgeschlossen Crafting!!
Ebenfalls werden nun Prowesspoints unter Partymitgliedern in einem Umkreis aufgeteilt.

Hab den Artikel auch noch nicht ganz gelesen. aber das ist was ich auf die schnelle gelesen habe.

Chuntao said:
New DFUW system: Prowess Based Character Progression

These are the mechanics of the new Prowess based character progression system that we're patching in today:

Gaining Prowess
Prowess can be gained from all meaningful interactions with the game. From harvesting and crafting, to killing monsters and PvP activities, everything you do will reward you with Prowess Points. The amount of points that you gain will depend on the difficulty or rarity of your achievements. High ranking monsters will offer more points than low ranking ones and crafting high-end items vs. low-end ones, for example, will work the same way.

All characters have a current and total Prowess point number which is displayed at the top right of the GUI, both in Action and GUI mode. The higher the total is, the harder it becomes for players to accumulate Prowess and the more effort they have to put into it to gain the points they need.

Feats are also a great source of Prowess as they reward the players with extra points for completing various tasks. Feat rewards stay the same regardless of how many Prowess Points the player has acquired.

Party Prowess Points
All players in a party will share Prowess point gains. Half of the points will be awarded to the player who performed the action, the rest will be equally divided between party members who are in range.

Raising Attributes
Attributes are very important in Darkfall Unholy Wars. They affect, among other things, the level of a character's effectiveness in all skills as well as the pool's size. Attribute boosters can make a big difference early on in a character’s life. Attributes can be raised in the paperdoll window by clicking on the "up" arrow next to the attribute of your choice. Doing so will display an interface window allowing you to allocate points to your skill, check the total cost, and finalize your allocation. You can raise attributes one point at a time with diminishing returns. Attribute point cost increases for each additional point but also for each additional attribute you want to increase. For example, raising your first attribute to 50 will cost considerably less than raising your fourth one to the same number.
Boosters can be purchased through the Role window. They can be purchased in bundles of 10 for a total of +40 on each attribute.

Raising Skills
Skills can also be raised per point and each skill level will cost more than the previous one. Raising more skills will cost more depending number of Skills you have already raised, the same way it works for attributes. You can raise your skills by clicking the "up" arrow below each skill icon in the skills window. The interface is similar to the one used for attributes and operates the same way. What each skill level affects will be explained in the interface as it varies from skill to skill. However, and especially for role skills, skill level mainly affects radius, the pool costs, and cool-downs. For these skills, pool costs and cool-downs bonuses apply only for the Primary School. In contrast, radius bonuses always apply.

Crafting Skills
Due to the effect crafting skills have on the economy we felt we should exclude them from the Prowess based system. All crafting skills can be raised by creating items. It works the same way for the new Salvaging skill. Harvesting skills however are based on the new Prowess system.
Thank you for reading


Chuntao said:
New DFUW Feature: Salvaging

As I mentioned in the last update, salvaging is going in the patch we're putting out today. A little about this feature from Vaggelis and Elias, DFUW designers:


The salvaging skill is basically the reverse of the crafting skills; it takes a crafted item and breaks it down to the raw material used in its construction. Salvaging is classified as a crafting skill in the GUI and for the most part functions as one.

Salvageable Items

Currently, there are two types of items that can be salvaged:

All crafted items that can be equipped. This includes all weapons, armor, robes, bows etc… but not figurines for mounts or ships.
All "broken" items. These are new versions of all weapons and armor added to the game as monster loot. These cannot be equipped and they exist only for salvaging


Just like the crafting GUI, the salvaging GUI can be accessed at any time, from anywhere, through a variety of different methods; these are:

A new context menu entry ("Salvage"), available by right-clicking any salvageable item in the back-pack
Double-clicking the salvaging skill, in the skills window
Double-clicking any broken item in the back-pack
Double-clicking the salvaging skill in the crafting skill selection window that appears when a player interacts with a crafting workstation

While the GUI window can be displayed from any location, it imposes several "restrictions" and will only allow the skill to be performed if they are all satisfied:

Depending on how the GUI window is launched, it will either display the complete window with all sections populated (this view is shown when the window is launched from an item), or it will display the instruction to select an item to salvage (displayed when the window is launched from the skill, and the intended salvage item is not yet known). To select the item to salvage, or to change the selected item, the context menu options, or double-clicking for broken items can be used, or any salvageable item can be dragged from the player's back-pack and dropped on the salvage item section at the top of the salvage window.

When the item to salvage has been selected, the window will display 4 sections:

Information about the selected "salvage item"
Information about the crafting skill that is used to create the item
The list of salvageable resources that may be obtained by salvaging the item
The amount of salvage operations to perform (which also displays the cost of performing the salvage operations, and the time the operations will take)

Note: the quantity section is only enabled for broken items, since they are stackable and can be salvaged "in bulk", for non-broken items, the skill operates on a specific, unique, instance of the item, and therefore cannot perform a bulk-operation.

Assuming all restrictions have been satisfied, the "begin salvage" button will be enabled, and can be clicked to initiate the salvage operation. Once a salvage operation is started, the button can be clicked again to cancel the operation at any point.

What restrictions exist?

There are 3 restrictions on a player’s ability to salvage a specific salvageable item:

The player must possess the crafting skill that is used to create the item, at the appropriate skill-level. Basically, if you cannot craft an item, you cannot salvage it either.
The player must be at the same type of crafting workstation where the item was created. To be considered "at" a workstation, the GUI must have been launched by interacting with the workstation and selecting the salvaging skill from the displayed crafting skills list
The player must have enough gold in their back-pack to afford the displayed cost of the salvage operation. For bulk-operations, the player must possess the gold cost for the total number of salvage operations

Resources that can be salvaged

The list of salvageable resources is the same as the items crafting recipe. The only difference is the gold that was required to craft the item; this cannot be salvaged, but instead becomes the "gold cost" for salvaging the item. The quantities of the resources that can be salvaged are also from the item's crafting recipe, but are maximum possible quantities, not guaranteed amounts.

Effect of a salvaging skills

The higher a player's salvaging skill level, the higher their probability of successfully salvaging each salvageable resource and the time taken to perform the salvage operation will be reduced. The player's probability of salvaging each salvageable resources is displayed to the right of the resource name, in the salvageable resources list. For non-broken items, the probabilities of success are reduced, proportionally to the durability of the salvage item. A quick example: a salvage item with 50% durability will have half the chance of success than an item with 100% durability- to players with the same salvaging skill-level.

When a salvage operation is completed, each salvageable resource is evaluated for success individually, in turn, to determine which resources the player successfully salvaged from the salvage item. Then, from this list of "successfully salvaged resources", a quantity of the item is delivered (between 1 and the displayed quantity), the resources are added to the player's back-pack (and the salvage item is removed); so, if a player successfully salvages a resource from the item, they are guaranteed to receive at least one of that resource, but could receive up-to the full quantity.

I'll follow-up with something on the Prowess Point character progression mechanic, and then with the patch notes for today's patch.

Thanks for reading

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    Egal wie dicht du bist, Göthe war Dichter!
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    besser und selber?
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    guet und dir?
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  5. oNdsen oNdsen:
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    i mean Diablo 4 natürlich, Danke.
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    Grüezi mit de Hand, Kann öpper wo daminrecht het im TS en Diablo3 Channel mit 2-3 Teams erstelle? Wär mega nett, danke!
