Datenbank Absolutes LoL Ranking

Liganame si eifach alli knapp drnäbe, d.h. richtige Champion (irelia) aber falsche zwöite Teil (Doom/Highwaymen)

Wir haben so viele lol spieler bei uns fgn, wäre es nicht nice einw rangliste aufnder frontseite zu haben? also naturlich nur von den fgnler
Auf der Frontpage wohl nicht, aber unter einer Sparte von eSports wärs denkbar.

@ntropy: Thx 4 Info&Grafiken
Es gibt tatsächlich mehr Silber- als Bronzespieler. Wichtig ist dabei, dass die unranked-Spieler (also unter 1200) dabei nicht miteingerechnet werden. Das wurde so schon von Riot bestätigt.
hä? die sind dann in gar keiner liga?

ich glaub die info ist veraltet. meiner meinung nach sind alle Spieler die 10 Spiele gespielt haben mindestens Bronze 5...
Ig wür au druf stouz si das me es match fasch ne stund loht lo go wiu me nid weiss wie fertig mache...
Chli weniger agressiv bitte freakypants. Hesch no nie es spil i d lengi zoge wöu du hesch wöue luege wi vili kills no chasch hole?
League System wurde aktualisiert:

Zitat von Yegg@riot:
Earlier today we hotfixed in some updates to the League System. These changes are intended to address some valid complaints about the harshness and frequency of demotions as well as frustrations surrounding the discrepancy between LP gains and losses for many Division I players. We've also included a few bugfixes. Here's the full list:

- Increased the requirements for being demoted so that demotions will happen less frequently
- Increased the length of the demotion immunity grace period that occurs after being placed in a new division
- Players and teams that are demoted will now have 75 LP in the new division rather than 50
- Tweaked LP gains and losses for players and teams in Division I who haven't passed the additional checks to qualify for the next tier
--- LP changes from both wins and losses will now be reduced in this situation, rather than just wins
--- Reductions in LP changes will now kick in earlier and more gradually rather than only starting near 100 LP
- "Loss forgiven" during server issues will now prevent demotions as well as series losses
- Summoner name changes are now properly handled by the league system
- Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause players to gain more LP than expected in Challenger tier

As always, we'll be monitoring the effects of these changes and we'll be making further tweaks over the coming weeks, so feel free to post your thoughts on the current state of the system once you've had a chance to play some games.
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